Another Level


There are seven basic vibratory rates (bodies) that we use to progress from very basic energies to the very highly developed superhuman levels. These bodies interpenetrate one another, the higher bodies extending further out. There are levels beyond the seven, however they are only useable by the very advanced. 

The densest of these bodies, and the only one readily seen, is the physical. The other bodies , vibrating at correspondingly higher rates, are the emotional, mental, intuitional, will/spirit, soul level, and divine. A man or women , however is not these bodies; each is rather a pure consciousness that can reside in any one or a combination of bodies. A person functioning in all bodies at once - that is, all bodies in harmony with his or her consciousness - lives as perfect a life as is possible on this Earth. Most people interact with others and the world only through a few of their bodies.


(Lower self - the personality)

THE PHYSICAL BODY. (Etheric Double/Vital Body)

The physical body is a living machine through which our higher bodies express themselves. In blocking off your physical body, so do you block the expressions of your higher self. The physical body has two parts, the dense and the etheric; the etheric is very closely connected with our nervous system.


Our feelings emanate from the emotional body. We feel anger there, frustration when our needs are not met. From the emotional body we learn to give and express love and caring, thus fulfilling our needs to be in relationships.The emotional body is very demanding; seeking fulfillment, if not directly, through various hidden ways. When we keep direct contact with our emotions, we can deal with them in better ways.

THE MENTAL BODY. (Lower Mental Body)

The mental body contains matter that can vibrate at a rate similar to that of the creative force in our cosmos. It is when we begin to think, to reason, to know, to create. Through the mental body, we gather knowledge; through reason and logic, we apply that knowledge. It is also through this body that we set up rigid attitudes or structures in our system. Here prejudices are formed. The more rigid the matter in our mental body becomes, the more difficult it is to flow with life, to learn new ways of living, and to acquire new ideas.

(The Higher self - Divine spirit of Man)


This is the first of the four bodies of our spiritual self. It serves as a balance between the personality and other spiritual bodies. It is also a vehicle for contact with the universal mind that brings insights and understanding to our human level. It is the source of ideas resulting from abstract thinking or awaring (as opposed to the concrete logical thinking of the mental body). The intuitional/compassionate body also relates to understanding.

WILL/SPIRIT BODY. (Spiritual Body)

The will/spirit body is where our male and female (positive and negative) polarities are separated. (They are joined in the soul level). In the ultimate energy, these polarities are balanced and very useable. Balance will align us with evolution and divine will. Kundalini is very at home in the will/spirit body . By it's very nature, kundalini needs to flow, and this body is one of flowing, moving, and acting. This energy has a much stronger quality and needs plenty of direction.

(Monad - Unit of Monadic Essence)

The soul level body expresses the unity of the polarities and allows the soul to express itself in the physical body. It is also the level of true career and services, where much of the purpose of life is determined. It is the synthesizer of karmic energy from past lives.

THE DIVINE BODY. (Atma - Divine Spark)

Kundalini in the divine body enables a person to feel oneness with the Source of Life and the cosmos, to be in touch with his or her own spark of the 'God' consciousness, to feel divine energy and love of life. The ultimate development of the divine body would be to use this energy in our everyday lives, opening us to living in constant Onesness.


Each body has it's own function and sense of importance. Each needs to be able to operate singly or with others, with guidance from the divine level. Kundalini flows more easily and is better assimilated when there is harmony among the bodies.


Kundalini a Sanskrit word meaning 'circular power', is an individual's basic evolutionary force, a natural force common in us all.

Kundalini has its own sense of direction. The kundalini energy lies coiled at the base of the spine. It natural flow is up the spine and out the top of the head; along that path it brings new awareness, new abilities, and transcendental states. Its release may be likened to waves, flames, pulsations or felt like a juddering of vibrations. As it begins it's ascent from the base of the tail bone up the spinal column and goes out the top of the head (crown chakra) it blends with the spiritual energies available in the universe. An energy combination then showers down over the body and travels through the system, aiding in cleansing and refining the cells.

Material Sourced from - Genevieve Lewis Paulson & Joy Piper