Energy Healing


The word ‘Healing’ is derived from an old Germanic root hael, which means ‘complete’, ‘whole’ or even ‘holy’.

It is a process by which the body, mind and spirit are gently balanced to bring asense of wholeness, oneness with all Life.


Reiki (pronounced ray- key) is a simple, natural and safe ancient form of hands on healing, which originated in Japan.

Reiki in Japanese means ‘Universal Life Energy’, the vital energy around and within all living things. Reiki treats the whole person physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. A treatment helps promote relaxation, inner peace and well- being.


When translated from Sanskrit Karuna means ‘COMPASSIONATE ACTION’ accompanied by Wisdom.

Karuna Reiki ® goes very deep, gently but quickly, it takes many different sensory forms. It feels like intense heat, wind, ice, electrical impulses, vibrations or gentle pulsations, treats the whole person physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. A treatment helps promote relaxation, inner peace and well -being.


Energy Field Therapy is a powerful and effective healing technique that works by rebalancing the Life Force Energy within and around the body.

The Human Energy Field (Aura) which surrounds and runs through the body, holds within it information which reflects the current physical, mental and emotional conditions of the individual. It also contains the original ‘blueprint’ of health. Deep within, your body already knows how to heal itself.

An Energy Field Therapist has developed a sensitivity to work with the Life Force Energy. After detecting ‘problem area’s ‘ in the energy flow, such as excess, blockages or stagnation, the therapist works to clear this and restore the natural flow of energy through the body.